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WHS Side Event “Building a European Health Union”

Hotel Berlin Central District Stauffenbergstr. 26, Berlin, Germany

This high-level side event will address key points brought to the table during the “One Voice for a European Global Health and One Health Strategy” Workshop at the World Health Summit 2022.

Implementing a European Strategy for Global Health & One Health

Czech Medical Association (CzMA) Sokolská 2, Prague, Czech Republic

Hybrid event in Prague with the Czech Medical Association, supported by the Virchow Foundation for Global Health, takes place on the occasion of the 2022 Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Breaking Down Barriers – Promoting partnerships between parliamentarians and academia

Washington Hilton 1919 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20009, WA, United States

UNITE Parliamentarians Network is organizing a session in Washington to discuss the critical need to promote collaborations between academia and policymakers. The aim of this event is to explore ways to advance evidence-based health policies through effective partnerships.


Von der Berliner Schule der Medizin zur Globalen Gesundheit, ein Markenkern Europäischer Politik

Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Luisenstraße 58/59, Berlin, Germany

Dieses Symposium der Virchow Foundation für Globale Gesundheit und der Berliner Medizinischen Gesellschaft in Kooperation mit dem World Health Summit (WHS) und dem Charité Center for Global Health möchte zu diesem Thema auch im Hinblick auf neue Inhalte und Strukturen vorausschauende Beiträge leisten.


One Sustainable Health for All Forum 2023

Musée des Confluences Lyon 86 Quai Perrache, 69002 Lyon, France

Register now for the One Sustainable Health for all Forum 2023 taking place in Lyon from July 5 - 7. Tackling together health challenges of the social and environmental crisis.

2023 Virchow Prize for Global Health Laureate Announcement

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Jägerstraße 22/23, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The laureate will be announced on Monday, September 11 2023 from 10:30 - 11:00 CET. Watch the premiere livestream on our YouTube channel. Virchow Foundation for Global Health President Professor Gerald Haug as well as Co-Founders Roland Göhde and Professor Detlev Ganten will attend the exclusive announcement which will take place in Berlin. 


2023 Virchow Prize for Global Health Award Ceremony

Great Ceremonial Hall of the Berlin City Hall Rathausstr. 15, Berlin, Germany

On October 14, 2023 the Virchow Prize for Global Health will be awarded at the Red City Hall in Berlin, recognizing and celebrating life-time achievements innovations with significant impact on the broad area of health challenges.

One Health | Preparedness, partnerships and science to prevent systemic health risks

CaixaForum Macaya Sala Macaya, Pg. de St. Joan, 108, Barcelona, Spain

The aim of this event is to feed reflections about the three key elements into the public debate and, in particular, into EU policy-making on global health and One Health. To this end, a group of experts is convened who, after an initial presentation by the organisers and promoters of the event, will be able to exchange points of view. Register now!

Save the date | One Sustainable Health Declaration

Learning Planet Institute 8 Bis r Charles V, Paris, Paris, France

The Paris event is going to be the occasion to present the work of the International Working Groups and the International Partner Sessions of the OSH Forum. Register for on-site participation or join virtually.

13. Lecture de l’Académie de Berlin

French Embassy Berlin Pariser Platz 5, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Sustainable Development Goal 11 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda is specifically addressing "sustainable cities and communities". The 13th lecture of the Académie de Berlin is now also focusing on this important topic which will become crucial to achieve "Health for All" and the 2030 Agenda.