Virchow Foundation
The Executive Board is responsible for the operational management and the implementation of the strategy of the Virchow Foundation. It appoints and supervises the management of the Foundation Secretariat.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christoph Markschies
Chair of the Board
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Detlev Ganten
Vice Chair of the Board
Founding President & Chair of the Board of Trustees
World Health Summit
Roland Göhde
Executive Member of the Board | CEO
Co-Founder & Member of the Board of Trustees | Göhde Foundation
Chair of the Board | GHA – German Health Alliance
Guest of the Executive Board
Prof. Dr. Axel R. Pries
Ex Officio Guest of the Executive Board
President | World Health Summit (WHS)
In 1979 Pries passed his medical examination at the University of Cologne in Germany. In the following year, he received his doctoral degree (summa cum laude). Until 1985, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cologne and then moved to the Institute of Physiology of the Freie Universität Berlin (FU). In 1990, Pries finished his habilitation at the Medical Faculty of Freie Universität Berlin and became Associate Professor at the Department of Physiology in 1995. From 1997 to 1998 Axel Pries was employed as Senior Physician for Anaesthesiology at the German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB). In 1998 he became a Full Professor at the Institute for Physiology of the Freie Universität Berlin; from 2001 to 2015 he was Head of the Institute for Physiology of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin. His major research field include blood rheology, microcirculation, microvascular network analysis, endothelial function, microvascular adaptation and angiogenesis.
Pries was Vice Director at the Centre for Preclinical Medicine of Charité (2008-2015) and Vice Director at the Centre for Cardiovascular Research, CCR, Charité (2009-2013). For thirty years he was also a consultant for NIH grants at the University of Arizona, Tucson with Tim Secomb (1984-2014) which involved yearly visits of approx. one month.
From 2015 to 2022 he was Dean and member of the Executive Board of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. 2003-2015, Prof. Pries was Board Member of the Faculty. From 2018-2020 he served as interim CEO and member of the board of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and in parallel as President of the Biomedical Alliance in Europe. With the beginning of the year 2021, he became President of the World Health Summit. Since 2023 he is also Pro Rector of the Danube Private University in Krems / Austria.
Education & professional career
1979: Medical examination, University of Cologne
2/1980: Doctoral degree (Dr. med., summa cum laude)
1980: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cologne
1985: Research Assistant (C1), Dept. of Physiology, FU
7/1990: Habilitation, Medical Faculty, Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
1991: Lecturer of Physiology (C2), Dept. of Physiology, FU
1995: Associate Professor, Dept. of Physiology, FU
1997-1998: Senior Physician, Anaesthesiology, German Heart Centre Berlin (DHZB)
12/1998: Full Professor, Dept. of Physiology, FU
1984-2014: University of Arizona, Tucson, Consultant for NIH grants with Tim Secomb, (yearly stays of one month at UofA).
2001-2015: Head, Institute of Physiology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
2003-2015: Board Member, Faculty of Medicine, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
2008-2015: Vice Director, Centre for Preclinical Medicine, Charité
2009-2013: Vice Director, Centre for Cardiovascular Research, CCR, Charité
2015-2022: Dean, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
2018-2020: CEO (interim), Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
2018-2019: President, Biomedical Alliance in Europe
2021-present: President, World Health Summit
2023-present: Pro Rector, Danube Private University
Honours, Awards & Fellowships
1980: Thesis Award “Hochhausstiftung”, University of Cologne
1986: Abbott Microcirculation Award, European Society for Microcirculation
1995: Lafon Hemorheology-Microcirculation Award, International Society for Clinical Haemorheology
2000: Fellow, European Society of Cardiology
2008: Visiting Fellowship, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge/UK
2008: Award of the Asian Union for Microcirculation
2011: Malpighi Award, European Society for Microcirculation
2015: William Harvey Basic Science Lecture and Silver Medal, European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
2015: Kitanomaru Award, 10th World Conf. for Microcirculation, Kyoto, Japan
2018: Poiseuille Gold Medal, International Society of Biorheology