Exclusive Membership Card which includes:

  • Invitation & access to the annual Virchow Prize Award Ceremony and further related global health events.
  • Welcome drink at Berlin Global Health Collective included (non-alcoholic) and newspapers available.
  • Special 10% discount on food and beverages for membership card holder plus 1 accompanying person, offered by 1687 Restaurant & Café.
  • Preferred and discounted group bookings in meeting salon with projector & presentation screen, offered by 1687 Restaurant & Café.


Friends of the Virchow Foundation are esteemed BGHC members and meet at:

Berlin Global Health Collective | Enter: Neustädtischer Kirchplatz | 10117 Berlin


Step 1 of 2

I / We would like to become Friends of the Virchow Foundation for Global HealthI / We would like to become Friends of the Virchow Foundation for Global Health

Please contact us:

Special personal individual arrangements regarding a particular engagement in the Virchow Foundation for Global Health and on ideas for joint initiatives and campaigns are always welcome. This applies in particular to NGOs, also with regard to the amount of the donation. Please do not hesitate to contact us: E-mail: friends@virchow.foundation; Tel: +49 (0) 30 20 370 302

Membership Fee

I will transfer the contribution to the following bank account of the Friends of Virchow Foundation for Global Health:

Bank Account

Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG; IBAN: DE91 4802 0151 0000 3723 58; SWIFT/BIC: LAMPDEDDXXX

Purpose of the donation

Purpose of the donation: Virchow-Foundation für Globale Gesundheit Friend, Name/Institution, eventually different postal address for donation receipt

Donation Receipt

The Virchow Foundation for Global Health will issue a receipt for the donation, which entitles the donor to deduct the donation, and send it to the specified / above address, unless a different address is stated in the receipt text of your bank transfer.
this website may store the data I submit so that it can respond to my enquiry. All data, including name, address and related information, that you provide to us via this form will of course be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.

Thank you very much!

We thank you for your support and look forward to the shared commitment and joint activities for global health!